Home / News / United Defense Tactical Announces Ambitious Development Plans in Texas

United Defense Tactical Announces Ambitious Development Plans in Texas

Reality-Based Firearms Training Concept Looks to the Lone Star State for Future Franchising Opportunities

United Defense Tactical, the first-of-its-kind firearms and self-defense training center, is announcing plans to expand its presence into Texas through franchising.

With 8 franchises already awarded and many more in the works across California and Nevada, United Defense Tactical is looking for single and multi-unit franchisees in Austin, Dallas, Houston, Fort Worth, and San Antonio who want to equip the local community with the skills and strategies needed to keep each other safe.

UDT’s Reality-Based Threat Training concept is a cutting-edge approach to training individuals in real-world threat scenarios. It employs advanced technology, immersive simulations, self-defense, mindset de-escalation, and more, to create a highly realistic training environment. Franchisees can offer community members a cumulative and educational training experience while eliminating the risk and danger of training with live ammunition.

“In today’s day and age, the standards for safety training measures are simply not cutting it. Crime rates are only going up,” Fox said. “From civilians to businesses, schools, law enforcement, and military, self-defense training is in high demand. It’s important to consider what your small business will be bringing to the table, and what needs it will be addressing in your community. Entrepreneurs in Texas who decide to bring United Defense Tactical to their local communities will be able to meet these needs.”

United Defense Tactical was founded in Costa Mesa, California, almost 5 years ago when founder and Chief Instructor, Wes Fox, realized that everyday civilians and law enforcement were grappling with a problem that wasn’t being fulfilled anywhere else—the need for comprehensive, realistic, and well-rounded self-defense and firearms training courses. The brand utilizes reality-based threat training, which encompasses tactics like situational awareness, threat recognition, de-escalation skills, and the overall ability to defend yourself if needed under pressure. Franchisees will gain access to a world-class curriculum, proprietary technology, comprehensive training, and guidance from leaders backed by decades of franchising excellence with protected territory rights, marketing support, operational guidance, technical support, and preferred partner networks. The estimated investment required to open a United Defense Tactical franchise is between $250,000 to $500,000.


About Gladys Johnson

Gladys Johnson The Publisher/Editor-In-Chief Global Business Drive Phone: +13465619347 Email: info@globalbusinessdrive.com gladysjohnsonmedia@gmail.com gladys@globalbusinessdrive.com globalbusinessdrive@gmail.com

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