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Tonye Princewill’s 76 Conquers Ghana


ramsey Tonye

Tonye Princewill’s 76 Conquers Ghana

 ….Ramsey Nouah, Daniel K Daniel, Others Thrill Fans 

The team of 76 led by the steady charismatic figure of Ramsey Nouah arrived Ghana on the 6th of January.  In a face to face interaction with 76 fans, fellow celebrities and all the top media houses in Accra; the team sold tickets, took selfies, did snapchat and interacted with fans back to back for three whole days. YFM and City TV were on hand to receive the team on arrival at Accra International airport.

76 is now set to be the most successful box office movie from Nollywood that is not a comedy. It has already broken records from rights acquisitions, made internationally and in Africa
“Nollywood has reached No. 3 in the world with or without government help. We don’t need to wait for government to do our bit. Let government see us walk and then maybe they can help us run. In Nigeria the last administration eventually recognized our value. I also feel confident this one will also do the same. We are an asset,” Ramsey Nouah said. “Give them time.”
Prince T.J.T Princewill, one of the Executive Producers of 76 expressed pride in the trip and the reception from the Ghanaian public. “I always knew Ramsey was big, had no idea he was THIS big! The reception has been an eye opener. We will continue our African tour but first we have to return home to visit the Army, educational institutions and important stakeholders. 76 isn’t good entertainment alone, it’s essential education. We will soon be announcing a drop in ticket prices so as to allow even more students, army officers and pensioners to see it. 76 is still in all the Silverbird cinemas.”

About Gladys Johnson

Gladys Johnson The Publisher/Editor-In-Chief Global Business Drive Phone: +13465619347 Email: info@globalbusinessdrive.com gladysjohnsonmedia@gmail.com gladys@globalbusinessdrive.com globalbusinessdrive@gmail.com

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