Home / Brands & Marketing / The Good Report celebrating the best campaigns for social responsibility 2016

The Good Report celebrating the best campaigns for social responsibility 2016

…A Collaboration between ACT Responsible and The Gunn Report

 The Good Report is a unique ranking of the world’s best use of creative communications to promote sustainability and social responsibility to raise awareness of major social and environmental issues. It is created in collaboration between ACT Responsible, the international non-profit association and largest global source of the world’s best ads on social and environmental issues, and The Gunn Report, the global index of creative excellence in advertising.

A total of 702 campaigns produced by 461 agencies for 608 advertisers from 71 countries were evaluated for this latest Good Report. The ranking is created by combining the industry’s recognition with the performance measured by The Gunn Report, as well as the promotional effort behind the campaigns and the general public’s recognition from public votes organised by ACT Responsible. There is no  complicated criterion or categories, just great work for Good.

The Good Report 2016 is made-up of 40 campaigns, of which 24 are for NGO’s, institutions and foundations and 16 are for commercial corporations. The top 25 Agencies are made up of four independents and 21 networked agencies. In the top 20 Networks list there are three independent networks and 17 networks owned by holding companies; and the top 10 Advertisers include six NGO’s/Institutions and four for-profit companies.


Taking the top places are:

Most successful Campaigns promoting good causes 2016

#1 Nivea Doll, FCB Brasil, São Paulo – Nivea

#2 Priceless Traps, Geometry Global, Bogota – Ministry of Environment and Sustainability

#3 This Girl Can, FCB Inferno, London – Sport England

#4 Print For Help, FCB Brasil, São Paulo – Hewlett-Packard Brasil

#5 One Shot Is Enough, Prolam Y&R, Santiago – UNICEF

Most successful Agencies promoting good causes 2016

#1 Publicis Conseil, Paris, France

#2 FCB Brasil, São Paulo, Brazil

#3 FCB Inferno, London, United Kingdom

#4 Forsman & Bodenfors, Göteborg, Sweden

#5 Colenso BBDO Auckland, New Zealand

Most successful Networks promoting good causes 2016

#1 Publicis Worldwide

#2 FCB Worldwide

#3 BBDO Worldwide

#4 Grey Global Group

#5 Young & Rubicam Group

Most successful Advertisers promoting good causes 2016

#1 France 5

#2 Nivea Brasil

#3 UNICEF Chile

#4 Innocence in Danger, Germany

#5 Amnesty International Brussels

Act Responsible considers that advertising recognition is too often confined to its commercial side; and that the other part of its role, such as informing, raising awareness and educating, is often forgotten.

For 16 years now, Act Responsible has collected the best ads promoting sustainability & social responsibility in order to highlight the use of creativity to raise awareness of the world’s major issues. Still, hardly any specific recognition is offered to agencies that give time and talent to support the communication of public interest causes. Nonetheless, the commitment of communication professionals to these causes is fundamental; good causes need campaigns to create awareness of their existence.

Act Responsible has created «The Good Report» in collaboration with The Gunn Report, to celebrate the wonderful work and dedication that thousands of agencies are making to support these major causes, in order to further motivate and inspire creativity as well as the continued production of new campaigns.

“With The Good Report, ACT Responsible continues its mission of promoting, inspiring and federating the communications industry for the greater Good. We truly believe advertising has a major role in educating and promoting good to help make the world a better place and we are proud the celebrate this work every year. Producing The Good Report with the collaboration of The Gunn Report Team is a great privilege” says Hervé de Clerck, ACT Responsible Dream Leader.

“The Act Responsible Expo is one of the must see exhibitions at Cannes Lions each year.  It honours the hugely valuable job our industry does, throughout the year in countries all round the world, in multiplying the impact and effectiveness of communications for Good Causes.  The Good Report adds a commendable extra dimension to their mission and we are proud to be a part of it,” says Donald Gunn, founder of The Gunn Report and ACT’ive Partner.

About Gladys Johnson

Gladys Johnson The Publisher/Editor-In-Chief Global Business Drive Phone: +13465619347 Email: info@globalbusinessdrive.com gladysjohnsonmedia@gmail.com gladys@globalbusinessdrive.com globalbusinessdrive@gmail.com

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