Home / Media / The First Lady of Ghana, Merck Foundation Calls for Media Recognition Awards 2018

The First Lady of Ghana, Merck Foundation Calls for Media Recognition Awards 2018

 Merck Foundation, the philanthropic arm of Merck KGaA Germany in partnership withH.E. Rebecca Akufo-Addo, The First Lady of Ghana and Ambassador of Merck More Than a Mother announces the opening of the application period for the ‘Merck More Than a Mother’ Media recognition Awards 2018 for Ghana and the rest of Africa. The winners will be announced during the 6th edition of Merck Africa Asia Luminary which will be conducted in October 2019 in Accra Ghana, co-chaired by Dr. Rasha Kelej, CEO of Merck Foundation and Her Excellency First Lady of Ghana.
The applications are invited by media professionals to showcase their work to raise awareness about infertility prevention and breaking infertility stigma in Ghana and rest of Africa.
Dr. Rasha Kelej, CEO of Merck Foundation and President of Merck More Than a Mother emphasized, “I strongly believe in the critical role media play to sensitize communities. Therefore we created these media awards last year with the aim to recognize the outstanding journalistic coverage that enhances the public engagement and understanding of infertility, breaking its stigma and emphasizing the need to change the social perception of it in African communities.”
“Few other initiatives to get the desired culture shift include Media Health Training in partnership with Ghana Journalism Society. Creating songs and movies in partnership with Ghanaian artists to address this topic and educate people across the country which will require supporting film making industry and students of the National Film and Television Institute in Ghana. Also, involving fashion industry to deliver the message of breaking the stigma of Infertile women to the community in day to day life which will be achieved through supporting the young fashion designers and student of Ghana Fashion Academy to come up with innovative ideas to reach youth” Dr. Rasha Kelej added.
Merck Foundation will organize theMerck Health Media Trainingon28th of February 2019for media representatives, focusing on the international standards and media ethics for reporting sensitive issues like infertility in Ghana and rest of Africa. It is designed to benefit the journalists in understanding the infertility issues in African communities and to learn the best media practices to cover such issues.
Merck Foundation has also provided technical training to four candidates from Ghana under their ‘Merck Africa Embryology Training Program’ to help build capacity in the field of infertility in the country. The program will be scaled up under the umbrella of the long-term partnership with the First Lady of Ghana.
Merck Foundation has also been empowering many infertile women in Ghana by building a productive life for them by setting up businesses of their choice for them, as women are much more than just mothers.

About Gladys Johnson

Gladys Johnson The Publisher/Editor-In-Chief Global Business Drive Phone: +13465619347 Email: info@globalbusinessdrive.com gladysjohnsonmedia@gmail.com gladys@globalbusinessdrive.com globalbusinessdrive@gmail.com

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