Home / Brands & Marketing / Legend Extra Stout Solidifies its Claims to Realness with New Out-of Home Campaign

Legend Extra Stout Solidifies its Claims to Realness with New Out-of Home Campaign

 Legend Extra Stout Solidifies its Claims to Realness with New Out-of Home Campaign

Legend Extra Stout, Nigeria’s unique bitter tasting premium stout, from the stable of Nigerian Breweries Plc. is set to excite consumers and bring the year to a grand close with a new out-of-home campaign to consolidate its uniqueness.

Legend has designed this campaign to not only improve awareness for the brand, but to also give consumers a long lasting impression about its realness.

The campaign, which kicked off this December, has a digital extension where consumers enjoy fun games and quizzes around the brand’s core elements and of course the billboards situated in cities across the nation.

Commenting on Legend Extra Stout’s new OOH campaign Brand Manager, Legend extra Stout, Oluseun Lawal said,

“Legend Extra Stout has been giving stout lovers across the country wonderful experiences through our Real Deal Experience and we thought to end the year on a grand note with the out-of-home campaign. The new out-of-home campaign will not only solidify our claims to being ‘the Real Deal’ but it will also build on our existing relationship and connection with our valued consumers.”

Legend Extra Stout has continued to position itself as a reliable stout of choice, full- brewed the way an original stout should, giving it the credibility to be called the ‘Real Deal’. This sincere proposition has sustained the brand’s steady market growth over the years.

Speaking on Legend’s consistent growth, campaign Manager- Mainstream lager and Stout, Nigerian Breweries, Emmanuel Agu remarked,

“Legend Extra Stout has over the years been making bold statements, steadily climbing the ladder to the top spot in the stout market. The Legend journey has been an exciting one and we can’t wait to engage with the consumers via the digital bit of the out-of-home campaign.”

Through its Real Deal Experience this year, Legend highlighted its ideals and qualities by engaging consumers and rewarding them with exciting prizes like Television sets, Generators, Refrigerators to name a few. It is hoped that this new out of home campaign will put a big imprint to the year.



About Gladys Johnson

Gladys Johnson The Publisher/Editor-In-Chief Global Business Drive Phone: +13465619347 Email: info@globalbusinessdrive.com gladysjohnsonmedia@gmail.com gladys@globalbusinessdrive.com globalbusinessdrive@gmail.com

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